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5 Useful International Travel Tips for First-Time Travelers



The world is your oyster and holds out the promise of so much to see and explore. The idea of venturing out internationally can be both thrilling and terrifying. Especially if you are about to take your first trip across the globe as a first-time traveler.

No doubt, going to another country is endlessly exciting. However, at the same time, it can be scary and confusing. It doesn’t have to be this way if you heed the advice of expert travelers who’ve been trotting the globe for many years.

What are some of the hiccups you may face when traveling internationally?

Traveling abroad is an entirely different experience from venturing out locally. You may encounter misunderstandings due to a language barrier or cultural differences. What if you get lost in a place where everything is foreign to you?

These are just some of the things you may encounter when traveling to other countries.

To be ready ahead of time is one of the best things you can do to calm your nerves when traveling abroad.

Do yourself a favor and follow along as we discuss useful international travel tips for first-time travelers to ensure everything goes smoothly.

1 – Be Passport Ready and Check if You Require a Visa

One of the most important tips is to apply for your passport well before you are about to depart. Do not make any prior arrangements or book your flight until you have this document in your hands. Besides, some international flights require that you key in your passport number when booking your flight or checking in online.

Also, passport applications take time and can take several weeks before you get it. Make a point of applying the moment you are free to do so.

Once you receive your passport, make a point of scanning the identification page and hand a copy to a trusted friend or member of your family while storing another copy in your wallet. You never know when you’ll need it.

2 – Conduct Some Research and Familiarize Yourself with the Traditions and Language Spoken

When you plan for your first traveling endeavor, be sure to set enough time aside to do research. This involves getting an idea of what the country will be like, which you can quickly get a feel for by scouring Facebook groups and message boards.

Make it your business to find out if you need to exchange any currencies ahead of your international travel. Pay attention to what is considered to be local traditions and norms. You may have to brush up on some basics of the language spoken when visiting another country. It helps to know how to say “thank you,” “hello,” and “goodbye.” Fortunately, there are modern apps such as Google Translate to help you out.

Check with your bank if you would need to set a travel alert on your account and whether they have suggestions on how you can save money on costly ATM fees on “foreign transactions.” A way to avoid this is to open a free checking account with Ally or Charles Schwab as you will have no foreign bank fees to worry about.

3 – Be Aware of Your Safety at All Times

It’s imperative to be fully aware of your safety when you travel to another foreign country. The program you signed up with will most likely cover various safety procedures and protocols, including what to do during an emergency. What you need to worry most about is street-smart knowledge in that you must know how to thwart pickpockets. Keep your money in a safe place when walking about and do not wear anything lavish that will attract unnecessary attention. Plus, you should leave your credit card safely stored in a safe where you are staying as well as any other valuables.

Ensure you have your itineraries at hand and any information to do with the hotel you will be staying in to avoid falling victim to a scam along the way. Share this information with a friend or family member so that somebody knows where you’re at during your time away.

4 – Travel Insurance is Very Important to Have

It is normal to think about things like, what will happen when you get hurt or become ill? Anything is possible when you’re traveling. Therefore, it is essential to know how you can cover unforeseen medical expenses. Medical services in another country can be very costly and some healthcare providers are inclined to ask for upfront payment.

Another useful tip to share is to ensure you carry the best moisturizer for oily skin with you as it will ensure you do not have to deal with damaged skin during your traveling adventures.

Get yourself travel insurance with emergency medical benefits to cover such expenses. Should your illness or injury be more severe, then having travel insurance can cover your traveling expenses for getting home.

There are all sorts of things to think about when you travel to a foreign place. Did you know that travel insurance also covers additional accommodation that might be needed during your trip should you encounter a long delay. Also, it can cover lost baggage and canceled flights.

5 – Dealing with Jet Lag

We are all guilty of this in that we try to visit as many places as we possibly can in one trip. The best advice we can give you is to slow down for the first two days at least, so you may recover from jet lag.

Besides, it is tough enough to recover from a long-haul flight. If you still have to accommodate a time change then you may have to deal with jet lag. It can easily take a week to adjust to a different time zone. If you fly from LA to London for instance, then you must be prepared to relax for a few days to allow your brain to acclimatize to the new time zone.

The best way to fight jet lag is to get enough rest before your international trip and make some adjustments to your itinerary. Be sure to stay up an hour or two later to help prep yourself ahead of time.

It is normal to want to nap once you’ve arrived. Refrain from doing so and instead walk around the neighborhood so you can get a feel for the local activities and get used to the area.

There you have it. While these traveling tips for international first-time travelers are by no means comprehensive, these are the most important ones to consider.

Resources— Go Abroad, Go Overseas

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