If you’re not convinced that greeting cards can help your mental health, maybe this article will change your mind. In a study conducted at a school, it was found that sending an unexpectedly joyful card can help to increase the HPA axis and reduce stress levels, while sending a negative card (however well meaning) can cause increased anxiety. You never know who may read the card when it arrives or how much influence it might have on them.
In a study, researchers gave a group of 30 students either a single card that was positive or negative. The students who received a negative card were asked to write down anything they found problematic about their interactions with the sender, while those who received a positive card wrote how nice it was to receive the card. Then 20 minutes later, each student’s level of the stress hormone cortisol was measured before and after the surprise cards arrived.
The study showed that “contrary to previous research, people who received a negative card actually experienced greater increases in cortisol levels than those who received a positive card.” In fact, students reported higher anxiety after receiving a negative card.
Do You Think Greeting Cards Have A Future Now That E-Mail And IM Have Taken Over?
Imagine picking up your mail and finding a cheery card enclosed between the bills; your mood would immediately improve. It’s a tangible reminder that someone thought about you enough to choose and send a handwritten note. No matter the occasion—a birthday, an anniversary, or the traditional Christmas card—certain it’s to put a grin on your face. A similar emotional reaction could not be achieved by email.
Just the act of remembering an employee’s birthday, with all the kindness and feeling that comes with the custom, may do wonders for their morale. If you find it difficult to put your sentiments into words, a heartfelt and reassuring condolence card is a great alternative. A Christmas card sent each year is a great way to stay in contact with loved ones and show your appreciation for them all year long.
All the range of human experience is captured in a single greeting card: happiness, gratitude, compassion, humor, love, and admiration. It’s a way to feel closer to the individuals who have had an impact on our life. There is a wide range of emotions we may convey via the sending of customised greeting cards, allowing us to show our appreciation to a wide range of people including loved ones, friends, customers, clients, and colleagues.
To that end, the next time you have to decide between sending a short e-mail or a physical greeting card, consider which one is more appropriate for the sentiment you want to communicate.
If you are thinking about sending a greeting card to your friends or family, we recommend that you must choose a Cornish pebbles greeting card, as these contain coastal print and look absolutely fabulous. For more information, visit Lino Lord.