What is Filorga Optim-Eyes good for?

What is Filorga Optim-Eyes good for?

You may have heard about Filorga and its magical eye cream: Optim Eyes. Everyone is talking about how good their new favorite eye serum is. Let’s see what makes this skin product so special.

If you are looking for a product that will definitely revitalize and brighten your tired or aged eyes, Filorga Optim Eyes might be ideal for this job. We could define it as a supercharged yet delicate serum that can perfectly be used even in sensitive skin. Its light texture easily penetrates and melts in the skin, leaving it instantly moisturized and fresh. 

The draining and decongesting functions turn to be more potent after the product was refrigerated, so it’s a must-do. The cooling sensation is ideal for tired eyes, and will definitely hide the effects of aging and others.

3-in-1 Eye Contour Cream.

Filorga Optim Eyes is a triple-action product. Helps to reduce the appearance of dark circles, wrinkles, and under-eye bags.

  • Dark Circles: Filorga Optim Eyes improves the color of dark circles, by eliminating pigmented residue, thanks to a matricide and chrysin complex.
  • Wrinkles: Filorga Optim Eyes contains hesperidin, within a trio of active ingredients (Hyaluronic acid and NCEF, also known ad NCTF). NCTF is simply a blend of minerals, vitamins, amino acids, coenzymes, and antioxidants. This fosters the removal of creases at the eye area, acting as an anti-aging product that replenishes tissues.
  • Under-eye bags: The action of potent peptides helps to decrease the puffiness of under-eye bags, by boosting venous and lymphatic circulation. With continued use, Filorga Optim Eyes should also give a smooth appearance of under-eye tear troughs.

High effectiveness tested.

The following is the result of a usage test applied to 57 women, who daily applied Filorga Optim-Eyes.

  • 70% smoother eye contour.
  • 63% anti-dark circle action.
  • 61% anti-puffiness action.

Great benefits.

As explained, Filorga Optim Eyes have multiple benefits as an eye cream and moisturizer. It is perfect for dry skin and mature skin.

  • Diminishes the color of dark circles in the eye area.
  • Reduces swelling or puffiness of the under-eye bags.
  • Smooths the eye contour, by the effect of hyaluronic acid.
  • Fades crow’s feet, fine lines, wrinkles, dark circles and puffiness.
  • Has an anti-aging effect.

About Filorga.

How to Apply Eye Cream for Maximum Results - Yon-Ka Paris

Filorga is an internationally recognized brand, founded in 1987. If you have never heard of it, it’s time to discover all of their amazing products. This french skin care line leads the market, combating signs of aging with cutting-edge solutions.

It is a certified manufacturer of certain medical products, such as glycolic peels, injectable dermal fillers, and mesotherapy. Filorga also offers aesthetic medicine services. The ingredients in their creams and serums are the same sold by them as medical products.

Physicians, biologists, pharmacists, and cosmetologists work together to create, non-surgical, anti-aging solutions that demonstrate exceptional results, clinically tested. 

Its Medi-Cosmetique line focuses on NCTF (New Cellular Treatment Factor), as the star ingredient. NCTF is an injectable solution, it helps to prevent, correct, and slow skin-aging consequences. 

Key points of Filorga.

  • Its skincare line is clinically tested.
  • The products are 100% paraben-free.
  • Its products contain their recognized HA + NCEF, also known as NCTF, ingredient. A blend of hyaluronic acid and at least 6 minerals, 12 vitamins, 23 amino, 5 nucleic, 6 coenzymes and 2 antioxidants, in order to improve skin health.
  • Its signature NCTF (HA + NCEF) initially was an injectable formula, and is now available as a Botox-like treatment.
  • Filorga uses the chromosphere technology. It means each molecule of their star ingredients NCTF (HA + NCEF) can penetrate perfectly between skin layers, by being small enough.
  • No matter your skin type, Filorga’s products may be used by anyone who needs anti-aging solutions and premium French skincare.

2 thoughts on “What is Filorga Optim-Eyes good for?

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